Lip Augmentation – Volume

Premier Cosmetic Medical Clinic, Adelaide South Australia

Volume and hydration with epiclinic®

As we age, our lips often lose the natural plumpness and fullness that they may have once had. Lip treatments can help plump up thinning lips, providing them with vitality and fullness. When most women age, they tend to notice drooping in the corners of their lips, where the lower lip sinks and the upper lip becomes elongated. Lip treatments can help make the lips fuller, which helps develop a more youthful look.

What Are the Benefits of Having Lip Augmentation?

  • Replace lost volume
  • Facial balance
  • Lip stick bleeding no longer occurs
  • Long term results
  • Restore a more youthful appearance
  • Achieve a more defined lip border

How Does a Lip Enhancement Procedure Work?

The initial step is to Book a Complimentary Consultation at epiclinic to discuss what your goals are and what can be accomplished with your unique lip shape. It is necessary that you understand that your lips are the foundation that you can build on; they cannot be completely altered. A lip enhancement simply improves the lips to create a more youthful, defined and fuller version of your natural lips.

We will always take your facial features into account too before enhancing your lips, ensuring your features look balanced by the end of your appointment.

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How Much Downtime Will I Need?

Following the procedure, your lips will feel numb for an hour or so until the anaesthetic wears off. It is normal to experience minor swelling for about one to two days. In some instances, mild bruising and swelling may continue for up to a week. While some patients like to take a day or two off work, it is possible to return to work directly after your appointment too. Your nurse will discuss all aspects of the procedure and what to expect afterwards during your consultation.

What Happens after the Procedure?

After a lip enhancement procedure, patients are free to resume their regular activities right away but should avoid kissing as well as rubbing or touching the area for at least 48 hours. In terms of caring for your lips after your procedure, it’s best to avoid any strenuous exercise or activities that could cause excessive sweating 24 hours after your appointment as this could affect the product absorption rate. Staying hydrated and protecting your lips from direct sunlight is also recommended. The longevity of the product will depend on how quickly your body metabolises the treatment. You will need to schedule ongoing appointments in the future if you want to maintain your results.

Who Will Perform this Procedure?

A qualified and experienced aesthetic nurse will conduct the treatment.

Are Lip Treatments Instant?

Yes, you will see an immediate difference directly after your session but your final results will only be visible about 48 hours later once all swelling has subsided.

How Should I Prepare For My Lip Treatment Session?

There isn’t a lot that you will need to do prior to your session. However, it’s highly recommended that you avoid any medications and supplements that could cause excess bleeding and bruising several days before your appointment. We will discuss this list of products with you. It also helps to stay hydrated and to avoid smoking for several days before and after your session. Pursing the lips too soon after your session may create an uneven result.

What is the cost for a consultation?

New patient consultation fees are complimentary.

During your initial consultation at epiclinic, we will give you an honest breakdown of the total costs of your lip treatment and determine if you are a suitable candidate.