Non-Invasive Jaw Augmentation

Premier Cosmetic Medical Clinic, Adelaide South Australia

Jaw fillers (jaw enhancement) model 01

Jaw Treatment

The ageing process and weight loss can cause a lack of jaw definition and give the face a sagging appearance. Jaw enhancement treatment is a minimally invasive to improve your jawline without the need for extended downtime or scarring.

Benefits of jaw enhancement:

  • Little to no downtime
  • Rejuvenates and lifts ageing skin
  • Hydrating
  • Restores a youthful freshness and definition to ageing facial tissue
  • Natural results
  • A more youthful facial shape

Patient suitability for jaw augmentation?

The best way to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for jaw augmentation is to schedule a consultation with us. We will listen to your concerns and perform a thorough examination of your face and medical history and suggest the most appropriate procedure. It is equally important that you have realistic expectations about what this procedure can and cannot do to address your cosmetic concerns. Ultimately, patient suitability is determined during a consultation with our Aesthetic Nurse and Doctor.

Possible risks and side effects

Minor swelling is a common side effect of the treatment. Although relatively uncommon, bruising may also occur. Like all other aesthetic procedures, there are potential complications associated with all aesthetic treatments and these will be discussed with you in depth during your consultation with our Aesthetic Nurse.

Who will perform this treatment?

A qualified Aesthetic Nruse will administer your treatments at epiclinic with the aim to create a natural but refreshed appearance.

What is the cost for a consultation?

New patient consultations are complimentary with our Aesthetic Nurse.