Fraxel + NeoGenesis Clinical Study

Neogenesis Study Assets. 1

Rejuvenate your ageing skin & be a part of our clinical study.

Epiclinic, in conjunction with UniSa and NeoGenesis, a world leader in the next generation of adipose-derived stem cell science for skin, are conducting a study to determine the effectiveness of advanced cellular serums, post Fraxel Laser resurfacing.

We are looking for study participants to undergo Fraxel Laser Resurfacing at 1550nm and be available for follow-up analysis of their skin.

Post Fraxel treatments

What is involved?

Participants will undergo Fraxel Laser Resurfacing @ 1550nm, a setting we use to deeply penetrate the skin, which makes it ideal for problems such as fine lines and wrinkles, as well as acne scarring. The results are remarkable, measurable, and consistent. Participants will be provided with a post Fraxel treatment skin care package that includes a range of products from the epiclinic depending on the randomisation of the study.

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What does it cost?

The cost is $990

Ethical Regulations mean we can’t offer incentives to participate in this study, but we can compensate you for your time.

Study Requirements + Reimbursements

Day 1. Patient receives FRAXEL @ 1550nm, and undergo a pre and post Fraxel assessment
Day 3. Return to clinic for analysis ($100 for your time)
Day 5. Return to clinic for analysis ($100 for your time)
Day 8. Return to clinic for assessment and receive a voucher for a free Hydrafacial at the clinic (value $235).
Day 28. Final analysis in clinic

Important information

This study is designed to test the efficacy of a adipose-derived stem cell-based skin care and wound healing product and its healing capacity as measured by various skin parameters prior to and following Fraxel® laser skin resurfacing treatment of the skin (face) primarily for the purpose of rejuvenation and reduction of wrinkles.

Participants will be receive a standard Fraxel laser technique using microscopic laser columns to ablate/burn penetrating deep into the dermal layer to target damaged skin cells. This is followed by a period of rapid healing of the tissue and stimulates new collagen and elastin production, firming the skin and reducing lines/wrinkles. On the day of treatment, patient will need to arrive around 1.5 hour early for treatment appointment. This will allow for completion of forms and acclimatisation (around 30 mins). Following acclimatisation, a series of non-invasive measurements will be taken using the DermaLab® Series SkinLab Combo including: Sebum, temperature, trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL), pigmentation, erythema, CIE-a, CIE-b, CIE-l, hydration, pH, Elasticity (MPa), Young’s modulus (MPa), retraction time (ms). Blood flow (flux, speed and concentration) will then be measured from a 60s trace collected from the area of interest using a Moor Laser Doppler®. Images, ultrasound using the DermaLab® Series SkinLab Combo and a macroscopic image followed by a Z-stack series of images through the skin will be acquired using a vivaScope. This entire procedure for data collection is all non-invasive and should take around 1-2 hours to complete for all 3 areas to be tested (perioral, periorbital and forehead).

Following data collection, the participant will proceed to the treatment room where a topical anaesthetic will be applied for around 45 minutes prior to undergoing the Fraxel® laser treatment. Immediately following the treatment, the non-invasive data collection of the skin parameters will be repeated. It is expected that from start to finish the entire procedure will take roughly 4-5 hours (allowing 1.5 hours for the anesthetic and treatment).

Follow Up: Participants will return to the epiclinic® 3-, 5-, 8 and 28-days post treatment when the non-invasive skin measurements will be repeated as previously described on each occasion. Visits will be scheduled for 2 hours on each of these days.

Photography: Photographs will be taken on treatment day, prior to any work being done, for each of the studied areas. On days 3-, 5-, 8 and 28-days post treatment an after photograph will be taken for each of the studied areas.

We require 6 participants (12 in total) aged between 30-65 years of age per arm who are newly electing to have this treatment for the main issue of skin wrinkles. Typically, they will be of Fitzpatrick level 2, 3 or 4, matched as best as possible between the two arms for age, Fitzpatrick number and severity of skin concern.

This project has been approved by the University of South Australia’s Human Research Ethics Committee (Ethics Protocol 205861)