CoolSculpting Adelaide

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat removal treatment that uses a targeted cooling process to freeze and eliminate stubborn fat cells in problem areas of the body. This procedure is TGA-approved and has become increasingly popular due to its effectiveness in reducing areas of unwanted fat, such as love handles, thighs, and the abdomen.

CoolSculpting works by using a specialised device that applies controlled cooling to the targeted area, causing the fat cells to freeze and eventually die. Over time, the body naturally eliminates the dead fat cells, resulting in a slimmer and more sculpted appearance.

Unlike traditional fat removal procedures, CoolSculpting does not require any surgery or downtime, making it a popular choice for those looking to reduce fat without undergoing invasive procedures. With proper diet and exercise, CoolSculpting can provide long-lasting results for those looking to achieve their ideal body shape.

CoolSculpting is $350 per cycle.

love handles

Abdomen / Love Handles

The stomach is one of the most common places the body stores fat & it can be very hard to reach this area with diet and exercise.

(2-4 cycles per treatment round*)

thighs 2


Inner and outer thigh areas can be particularly stubborn and the fat stored in each area is very different.

(2 cycles per treatment round*)

basck fat

Back Fat

Lower back extending from love handles, the mid-back fat on the sides, and “bra bulge” fat under the bra line can all be treated.

(2 cycles per treatment round*)

upper arms

Upper Arms

Fat that is fluffier and lumpier around the upper arms achieves great results, although CoolSculpting is not effective on sagging skin.

(2 cycles per treatment round*)



Pouches of fat underneath the buttocks can be treated to smooth out this area so that it’s slimmer and more contoured.

(2 cycles per treatment round*)

man boobs

Chest Fat (Man Boobs)

When excess fat stores cause male breast expansion, we smooth out this area so that it’s slimmer and more contoured.

(4 cycles per treatment round*)


Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.


original coolsculpting image

Epiclinic has been performing Coolsculpting since it was introduced to Australia. Coolsculpting, developed by Harvard Medical School by USA company Zeltiq, reduces localised fat deposits using a technology called ‘cryolipolysis’. In plain language this means ‘to freeze fat cells (adipocytes) and dispose of the contents’. Of course, this does not mean all fat cells in the treated area, but a significant proportion. When fat cells are held at a constant low temperature, the fat cells enter a biological process known as ‘apoptosis’. Apoptosis is the natural ‘end of life’ signal to all human living cells (that contain the body’s DNA). We do not produce many, if any, new fat cells after puberty, so those cells treated by Coolsculpting are highly unlikely to be replaced. So if you maintain a healthy lifestyle, the effects of localised fat deposits is reduced over a long time. Coolsculpting is not a panacea for obesity, but is effective in most people to reduce stubborn areas of fatty deposits.

Experience and training

It is important for all patients to be appropriately assessed by trained and experienced personnel, as not all patients are suitable for this procedure. At epiclinic our Coolsculpting experience spans more than thirteen years, and we perform these procedures most days at our clinic in Wakefield Street. Following initial training, and as experiences developed, Epiclinic adopted advances in Coolsculpting technology, attending advanced training in Pleasanton, California USA February 13th 2015 and since that time, our personnel have trained other personnel and allied health workers in Coolsculpting in Australia (NSW), Indonesia (Jakarta) and Hong Kong .

To make appointment for assessment call (08) 82272242, or email

hand coolsculpting - before and after - epiclinic
CoolSculpting - double chin - epiclinic
CoolSculpting at epiclinic - before and afters 01
CoolSculpting - man - before and after

CoolSculpting Before & After Photos

Bra Fat

Upper Arms




Double Chin

Medical and Technical Journal References

  1. Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (EQUiP6) accredited medical practice since 2010
  2. Effectiveness and Safety of Contrast Cryolipolysis for Subcutaneous-Fat Reduction Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2014; 7: 201–205.
  3. Effectiveness and Safety of Contrast Cryolipolysis for Subcutaneous-Fat Reduction Dermatol Res Pract. 2018 5276528
  4. Cryolipolysis for fat reduction and body contouring: safety and efficacy of current treatment paradigms
    Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Jun;135(6):1581-1590.
  5. The Safety and Efficacy of Cryolipolysis: A Systematic Review of Available Literature Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 35, Issue 7, September/October 2015, Pages 830–836,