If you have a specific question that you would like answered, please do not hesitate to contact epiclinic® on 08 8227 2242 or click here to contact us online. Our friendly and knowledgeable team will be happy to assist you.
More and more patients are deciding to undergo cosmetic treatment at an earlier age. Many of our patients are coming to see us in their early 30’s as a preventive measure. When deciding if Cosmetic treatment is right for you, it is important to ask yourself “will this treatment enhance my self-confidence while helping me to look as young as I feel?”
How you look has a dramatic effect on how you feel about yourself. Your self-esteem and confidence directly impacts your life, both professionally and socially. Maintaining your looks as you age is a positive step toward being confident, happy and fulfilled with who you are as an individual.
Non-surgical Cosmetic Treatments create subtle changes to the face and body to recreate harmony in your appearance. At epiclinic® we believe in enhancing your individual beauty as opposed to changing your appearance.
Many Cosmetic Medicine procedures are now being labelled “lunch time treatments” as it is possible to have a non-surgical procedure and still return to work as per usual. Treatments which require no ‘down time’ include; Anti-wrinkle treatment, Dermal Fillers as well as many skin rejuvenation treatments.
This will depend upon the treatment you are undergoing. Certain cosmetic procedures require specific preparation and post treatment care. For specific instructions, please call epiclinic® on 08 8227 2242 prior to your appointment.